Thursday, December 10, 2009


Hares: Just Bryan, Just Renee
When: Wednesday the 16th, 6-9pm
Where: St. James Infirmary, 445 California Ave
Bring: Yourself ($5), virgins (free), other stuff
Wear: Something holiday-like. You know you're all doing the Santa Crawl and will probably still be sobering up so just keep the costume on and show up!

This is the last hash of 2009 so come out and say goodbye to this damn year in style.  Hey, we hashed at least 10 times this year and that's some kind of record as far as recent memory serves.

Dates for 2010 hashes have been announced so sign up to hare or co-hare.

On on,

Call Girl

Friday, December 4, 2009

HASH #6.69 Details

Hey Wankers!
Sorry for the late notice about tomorrow's hash, but as ya'll know we like to put out our information at the very last minute, so deal with it!
Where: Mayberry Park.  It's on 4th St. near Patagonia on Woodland St 
Cost: $5 (virgins free)
Time: 1 pm-4pm (hopefully we won't be out in the cold that long)
Other: Wear warm clothing because it's probably gonna be cold. Trail should be dog friendly.
Hares: Mother Focker and Poopa
Any other questions feel free to call me at 775.342.7594
Sister Focker

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hash House Harriers Tutorial

Still not sure what the Hash House Harriers (and Harriettes) are all about?  Check out this video by SOBH3.  It's a great overview of how the Hash got started, laying trail, and circle.  Take a peek, then cum join us December 5th!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hash #5.69 & #6.69

We all know what they say about the best laid plans.  And when it comes to hashing it's almost a moot point to plan since nothing goes as expected.  Hash #5.69 was scheduled for last night and two weeks in advance we had two hashers volunteer to hare - Romeo Blow Romeo and Just Eric.  Then Monday the hares canceled.  Rather than canceling the entire hash, we decided to go back to our new favorite hash bar - Amendment 21 - and have a happy hour.  They were kind enough to extend their typical happy hour prices to our group for the remainder of the stay. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Date: Saturday, November 7th
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Amendment 21 (425 S Virginia St)
Cost: $5, virgins are free
Bring: Layers (cuz the sun sets early and it gets damn cold), flashlight/headlamp, whistle.
On-After: TBD

Check out the following website and cum prepared with a song!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


By: Goes Down Easy

Hares: Poopatrooper & Call Girl

Pack: Just Carl, Just Brian, Just Ryan, Seldom Cums, Just Beth, Just Alan, Just Robin, Little Miss Poopit, Sweaty Legal Beater, Just David, Soaked Wood, Loose Pussy, PeeMee’s Frat House, Just Antonio, Jerk off the Jew, Urine (?), Boys love my Broadsword, Goes down Easy, Just Eric, Sister Focker, Mother Focker, Just Scott, and Steroids to Heaven.

It was a beautiful…butt-ass cold night as the pack of hashers met in the parking lot of Savemart….Changing in my truck as fast as I could, I joined the pack just in time for Poopatrooper asking me to do chalk talk….and away then Call Girl and her taking off.  Not having done very many talks….I barely got through the talk…but was followed up by a warm song of “My name is Joe”.  Somehow the pack couldn’t seem to get away from pushing the button with their penis…..Not as easy for us harriets….

So the 15 minutes were finally up…so the pack was off.  We got lost right away since no one bothered to watch the hares away…..but alas, trail was finally found and we made it to the first check.  The harriers & harriets were in all different directions.  We checked left, right, straight…..but couldn’t find more than one or two marks…..After about 20 minutes or what seemed like twenty minutes, we found the one street that we all missed….oooops….So finally we were back on.

The trail continued through the neighborhood with the unknowing citizens peeking out of their houses to see what was going on.  I heard one exclaim “who are you looking for”  I believe the virgins just Alan and Just Beth answered that we weren’t looking for anyone, but on a scavenger hunt…..Next time, just answer “Beer”!  Finally we made it to the butt check….which was conveniently set in front of our long lost old GM, Buttmotion’s house.   I was running with Just Ryan and we both made the butt check proud….though I believe the winner would have to be PeeMee’s Frat House for still managing to so the butt check in a onesy..out of the neighborhood, we came upon the lake in the middle of Reno and into the Beer check.

As we waited and froze for the last few minutes, the pack sang a little song of Whip it out at the Ball Game….finally, it was time to move again….just starting out….I look down and find none other than one of Call Girls tags… I was jumping up and down, Just Carl looked at me like I was crazy….the trail went on to go through a nice little apartment complex…then led into a parking structure…up, up, up and then down, down, down the stairs.  I made it through, but I belive Jerk off the Jew said that the concierge tried to get the pack to go the wrong way!!!  Just ouside the peppermill was the Turkey Eagle split…..Oh and what a challeange it turned out to be.  The eagle trail went up the staircase, then right down the staircase.  Even though it was clear what it may have done, I tricked Just Eric to take the Eagle trail with me…..I believe he now knows not to trust me!!!  Away from the Peppermill and through the carwash…..we started to make our way back towards the lake….Though we were stopped by Loose Pussy & Seldom Cums…Seldom Cums managed to snare the hares….but since he seldom cums, neglected to pants the hares…..So the pack waited once again for the hares to get a start, as Sister Focker came in, I showed her the fabulous prize I found on trail…someone understood.….then it was straight back in to the finish at Scruples.

Circle was conducted on the outside patio and as Sweaty Legal Beater and I fought for the warmth of the heated lamp….Call Girl and Poopa ran circle.  Call girl called the hares in and with the double duties, got away fairly quickly.   But then Seldom Cums was called in for not only being FRB, but also snaring the hares.  As the pack boo’d him for the lack of pants to show for it, Call Girl & Poopa did give him a shirt with their boob sweat wiped on….DFL’s came next….finally the virgins….and the virgins just about out numbered the hashers…..but not quite.  First we had Just David, who told the worst joke ever about a bear, which seemed to set the tone for the rest of the virgins…..Then Just Eric, who started with the bear, but finished with a moon….Just Alan led us in song…Just Beth in another bear joke, though much better than Just David’s.  Finally, Just Ryan serenaded Poopatrooper in some sort of country song.  We had two visitors, Soaked Wood from LA, and Loose Pussy from someplace that starts with a P in Idaho.

The accusations followed…and I wish I could tell you about them, but since hasher upon hasher talked over each other, I could not tell what exactly people were up for.

Circle was finally finished with swing low, and as the pack moved over to Shennigans, where we can only assume much more debauchery took place.

Thanks to everyone who came out to the hash and we hope to see you at the next one, Saturday, November 7th.  Hares?  Anyone?  Come on...just about anyone can run faster than Poopa and I did.  Do it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Next Hash - #3.69 (Updated!)

Hares: Poopatrooper & Call Girl 
When: Wednesday, October 28th, 6:00 p.m. (hares away at 6:15 sharp)
Where: NE Corner of Plumb and Lakeside, kinda south-east-ish Reno, Savemart Parking Lot. (2 blocks east of Virginia St)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Reno Hash History

Wow, talk about a flashback to the past.  Yesterday I received an email from our previous GM, Butt Motion, stating that he had collected all the old hash stuff and left it outside his house for me to pick up.  You see, there are some people who don't get the hash and, well...anyway...we don't see Butt Motion anymore.  Okay, back to the past.  So since I've taken the reins a bit and tried to get our biggest little hash up and r*nning again he thought I would like to have all our old stuff.  And I did (do?).

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hash Trash #2.69

After waking up this morning and seeing snow on the top of Mt. Rose, I take back all my bitching and whining on Sunday about the sun and the heat. OK, not all my bitching and whining since we established that the ability to expertly bitch and whine is one of the great traits of us Jews.

Speaking of Jews, our hares for this hash were Jerk Off the Jew and Poopatrooper. Through the typical confusion related with the hash, our start time was noon. Sister Focker and I showed up at the Keystone Canyon trailhead as instructed about 12:15 (what? That’s noon in hash time.) and found Goes Down Easy, Excess, Lycktonite, Dungeons & Dildos, and Officer Dangle Your Cock in My Face (HA! None of this shortening your name crap anymore!) were all ready to go. Missing were the hares who were still out pre-laying trail (wankers).

Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello and welcome to the blog for the Reno Hash House Harriers.  The biggest little hash in the world!  We are Reno's drinking club with a running problem.  Well, some of us run anyway.  If you aren't familiar with the Hash House Harriers, click on the link to the right to learn more about hashing or just come to our next event and see it all for yourself.

Hashers come from all walks of life but what we all share is a desire to have fun, be outside, and drink some beer.  We typically meet once a month in and around Reno/Sparks and do our best to explore as much of our fair city as we can.

The intent of this blog is to spread the word about our group and keep you posted on when and where our next hash will be held.  We will also post the "hash trash" here which is a synopsis of the last event.  Stay tuned for a post on yesterday's hash, #2.69.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about the hash, you can contact me through this site or on Twitter (@RenoH3).  Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you on trail soon!

On on,

Call Girl