Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello and welcome to the blog for the Reno Hash House Harriers.  The biggest little hash in the world!  We are Reno's drinking club with a running problem.  Well, some of us run anyway.  If you aren't familiar with the Hash House Harriers, click on the link to the right to learn more about hashing or just come to our next event and see it all for yourself.

Hashers come from all walks of life but what we all share is a desire to have fun, be outside, and drink some beer.  We typically meet once a month in and around Reno/Sparks and do our best to explore as much of our fair city as we can.

The intent of this blog is to spread the word about our group and keep you posted on when and where our next hash will be held.  We will also post the "hash trash" here which is a synopsis of the last event.  Stay tuned for a post on yesterday's hash, #2.69.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about the hash, you can contact me through this site or on Twitter (@RenoH3).  Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you on trail soon!

On on,

Call Girl

1 comment:

  1. Joint SLuT & Reno Snowshoe Hash
    Saturday, February 6th @ Noon at Spooner Summit
    Hares: eXceSs & Lycktonite
    On On On: El Charro Avitia 4389 S. Carson, Carson City
    Misdirections: TBA
    Misinformation: Bring snowshoes, colored carpenter's chalk for pack arrows, warm/dry clothes & shoes for circle and On On On!
